Thursday, November 11, 2004


More on Learning disabilities

Learning disability is a general term that refers to a “heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning or mathematical abilities. These disorders are intrinsic to the individual, presumed to be due to central nervous system dysfunction and may occur across life span. Problems of social regulatory behaviors, social perception, and social interaction may exist in learning disabilities but do not by themselves constitute a learning disability. Although learning disabilities may occur, concomitantly with other handicapping conditions (for example, sensory impairment, mental retardation, serious emotional disturbance) or with extrinsic influences (such as cultural differences, insufficient or inappropriate instruction), they are not the result of those conditions or influence”. (National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities, 1988).

The individuals with learning disabilities have average or above average intelligence. The main diagnosis of learning disabilities is the discrepency between the achievement and the IQ of an individual. The individuals are given intelligence tests to measure their IQ and achievemnt tests to measure their performance with respect to their academic level. A difference in the scores which is one standard deviation or more is used to confirm the condition.
Most often learning disabilities are identified at a very early stage but sometimes, they can be underidentified too. Moreover there isn't a cure for learning disability. It is a life long condition. Hence it is necessary to train the person in skills which could help them in coping up with their disability.
Dyslexia refers to reading difficulties while Dysgraphia to writing difficulties and Dyscalculia to numerical difficulties. Comorbidity ( the combination of more than one disability) is often found in many individuals.

When diagonised with a learnign disability , the individual becomes eligible for an IEP or an Individualized Educational Plan wherein goals are set based on his level of functioning and an individualised curriculum is designed to help the student achieve his goals.
In fact every student with disability becomes eligible for an IEP under the IDEA law. This Law is exclusive to the United States. However, many countries follow similar educational plans to customize the programs as per the needs of the students who need extra help.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Process Mnemonics

For all the educators out there here is an interesting way to teach mathematics. It is called the process mnemonics.
According to Higbee (1987) process mnemonics is a strategy "that is used to remember a process or as one that gives a process for remembering many different facts ".
They are names as process mnemonics because they are intended to serve as readily retrievable mediators for learning and recalling the orderly cognitive processes required in problem solving (Kunihira1981, Higbee1987)
And it is designed to “facilitate the retention of the rules and procedures involved in computational skills” (Emmanuel Manalo Julie.K. Bunnel and Jennifer A. Stillman 2000).
"Yodai "or Process mnemonics was originated in Japan as Yodai which means "the essence of structure". Japanese educator Masachika Nakane developed the method to teach students summarize the organization of the problem and solve it.

Generally used to teach higher levels of computation like multiplication of decimals and fractions. Sentences, phrases, songs and rhymes are used to teach the steps in solving the problems. The components of computation are explained elaborately and then the concepts explained through the familiar ideas related to the students. (e.g. warriors, pools joggers, swimmers, bugs etc…)
The whole sum is summarized into short essential phrases. Symbols and words used as cues to extract the essence of the problem, which helps the students recognize the process for the solution. There is the linking of abstract symbols with concrete associations facilitate the cohesive combination of relevant parts of a procedure.
Process mnemonics is useful in computational skills of addition subtraction multiplication and division,remember rules and procedures in spelling, trigonometry, mathematics and science.
It is used to teach a range of subjects including arithmetic algebra geometry trigonometry calculus inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry, physics, biology spelling grammar and the English language.

Process mnemonics utilize the five principles of learning and memory: meaningfulness organization association attention and visualization. It thus establishes the two rules or components of mnemonics (learning and retaining the correct procedures) effectively.

Mnemonics helps the students remember the numbers and their concepts by associating them with the peg words. In order to learn the structure to develop problem solving skills "yodei " or process mnemonics is immensely helpful. Thus the combination of both the above methods can help improve the efficiency of a student's computation skills.


Who came first? The chicken or the egg?

Let's get into some serious stuff. What is the true definition of education? Well, it again differs based on the perspective of the individual. For some it is a means to earn a living, for some a means to enrich their knowledge, for some it is a means to shred their ignorance and become more knowledgable about their surroundings. However , the perceptions are influenced or in some cases determined by the environmental conditions in which the person exists. It isn't bad to say that the living conditions in fact dictate the person's thinking.
However, the discretion lies in the person to know what is good for him and bad . It also depends on the way he implements his knowledge to earn his living and to tackle his surroundings.
Thus the education system as such is also dictated by the needs of the place or the people, the surroundings, the demands and the necessities of goods and services. This results in the development of certain discourses or the importance of training the persons in different skills to overcome their problems and help them survive. Though it gives a dual meaning of learning to earn and live , it also indicates the need to understand the nature or the surroundings and develop an aesthetic liking for it and methods fo nuturing and improving it.

Well, my assumption is that that is how various branches of science and art have been developed. You can say that it is my philosphy(relatively ), thought it can be considered a liberal view of the evolution of science and arts.

Thus basicaly a balance of both arts and sciences needs to be present .But? my questions is as to what is important for us? Is it the sciences which follow a scientific and practical basis and the discarding of the old and the so called obselete or outdated stuff or the arts which still glorifies the nature, the most primitive and natural form of life, and tries to give it a new definition by modifying itself according to the exisitng elements of nature?

Complicated question . As complicated as the one which says" which came first? the chicken or the egg? However, the answer would be again based on the perspective of the individual .

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